By investing in Main Street Square you are investing in our community and those that we share it with.

Your contribution is imperative in ensuring that Main Street Square is able to continue our events, programs and work. As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, all donations are directly reinvested back into Main Street Square, the community and Downtown area.

We invite you to join us in our commitment to provide our community and Rapid City with the heart it deserves.

Our Mission

To bring life and foster Downtown Rapid City through economic development while creating a vibrant gathering space that is rich in appeal, cultural heritage, arts and entertainment for everyone, regardless of age, sex, race or economic background.

donation opportunites

Support the Fountains

A donation to the fountains to assists in providing the community with free, family fun and a colorful place to cool off!


A donation to Main Street Square. Helping sustain the communal space and events in Downtown Rapid City.

Support the Flowers

A donation to the Downtown flowers assists in providing and maintaining 132 flower planters and hanging baskets that paint a rainbow of color through the streets of Downtown Rapid City.

Interested in Sponsorship opportunities?